Silene jenisseensis Willd.
Willdenow, Enumeratio plantarum horti regii botanici berolinensis, 1: 473 (1809), 1809ID: 237 | IPNI
== Silene tenuis var. jenissea ("Poir.") Rohrb., Monogr. Sil. 187, 1868
= Silene ambigua Turcz., Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 15(2): 576. 1842, 1842 Type: Turczaninov LE , lecto
=Silene jenisseensis var. dasyphylla (Turcz.) Kitag., Neo -Lineam. Fl. Manshur.: 273 (1979), 1979 Basionym: Silene dasyphylla Turcz., Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 15(2): 577. 1842, 1842 Type: label: Silene dasyphylla Turcz. (texten avhuggen på fotot), K (Hooker) , amb
= Silene jenissea Steph. ex Bunge, Verzeichniss der im ... Altaigebirges gesammelten Pflanzen, p. 30 , 1836 Type: ,
=Silene jenisseensis var. oliganthella (Nakai ex Kitag.) Y.C.Chu, in Fl. Plant. Herb. Chinae bor. -or., 3: 71 (1975)., 1975 Basionym: Silene oliganthella Nakai, J. Jap. Bot. 1939, xv. 526., Type: ,
= Silene jeniseensis subsp. popovii Zuev, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 95(1): 99 (1990)., 1990 Type: ,
=Silene pauciflora Nakai, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 32: 32. 1918, 1918 Basionym: Silene tenuis var. pauciflora F.N.Williams., ??, Type: ,
=Silene jenisseensis f. parviflora (Turcz.) Schischk., , Basionym: Silene jenissea var. parviflora Turcz., , Type: ,
=Silene jenisseensis f. setifolia (Turcz.) Schischk., , Basionym: Silene jenissea var. setifolia Turcz., Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou. 15, 3: 576, 1842 Type: Turczaninov LE , lecto
= Silene jeniseensis var. vegetior Popov, Konspekt Fl. Pober. Baikal 213 ( negetior), adden. 1966, 1966 Type: ,
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Reference: Zhou L., Wu Z.-Y., Lidén, M. & Oxelman, B. (2001). Silene (110 spp.). In Wu Zhengyi & P. H. Raven (eds). Flora of China. 6: 66-100Silene jenisseensis Willdenow, Enum. Pl. 1: 473. 1809. …Ω¬ÏÚ∆≤› shan ma zha cao Silene dasyphylla Turczaninow; ?S. graminifolia var. par-viflora Fenzl; ?S. jenissea Poiret; ?S. jenissea Stephan ex Bunge; ?S. jenissea var. parviflora Turczaninow; ?S. jenissea var. setifolia Turczaninow; ?S. jenisseensis f. parviflora (Turc-zaninow) Schischkin; ?S. jenisseensis f. setifolia (Turczaninow) Schischkin ; ?S. jenisseensis var. oliganthella (Nakai ex Kita-gawa) Y. C. Chu; ?S. jenisseensis var. vegetior Popov; ?S. oli-ganthella Nakai ex Kitagawa; ?S. pauciflora (F. N. Williams) Nakai ; ?S. tenuis var. jenissea Rohrbach. Herbs perennial, 20–50 cm tall. Roots robust, lignified. Stems caespitose, erect or suberect, simple, glabrous, usually with many axillary sterile shoots at base. Basal leaves numer-ous, narrowly oblanceolate or lanceolate-linear, 5–13 cm × 2–7 mm, midvein prominent, base attenuate into long petiole, mar-gin ciliate at base; cauline leaves few, small, clasping at base. Flowers in a racemiform thyrse; cymules opposite, proximal ones usually with more than one flower, distal ones with a solitary flower; peduncles very short. Pedicel 4–18 mm, gla-brous; bracts ovate or lanceolate, base slightly connate, margin membranous, ciliate, apex acuminate. Calyx narrowly campan-ulate, slightly inflated in fruit, 8–10(–12) mm, glabrous, longi-tudinal veins green or violet. Androgynophore ca. 2 mm, short-ly hairy. Petal claws narrowly oblanceolate, glabrous, without obvious auricles; limbs white or pale greenish, bifid to middle; lobes linear, apex obtuse; coronal scales small. Stamens and styles exserted; filaments glabrous. Styles 3. Capsule ovoid, 6–7 mm. Seeds grayish brown, reniform, ca. 1 mm. Fl. Jul–Aug, fr. Aug–Sep. 2n = 24. Forest margins, forested grasslands, shifting alpine screes, steppes, sandy steppes, mountain grasslands, gravelly grasslands, dune margins; 200–1000 m. Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mon-gol, Shanxi [Korea, Mongolia, Russia]. No type material has been seen by the present authors. Such ma-terial is necessary for a complete understanding of this very difficult group (Silene jenisseensis and the following two species), which has numerous forms and varieties described from the region of the former Soviet Union. The treatment here is to a large extent in agreement with Fl. URSS and herbarium determinations in BM, K, E, and P (but see note under Silene graminifolia).
Comment: The type material can not be traced with certainty and may be lost in the Berlin bombings. There is a sheet labelled Hort. bot. Berol. Willd. in B, which fits the S. graminifolia description well. S. jenisseensis subsp. popovii may represent a different taxon.
Superordinate taxon: Silene sect. Graminiformes Lazkov (ID: 1087)
Included taxa
No included taxa registered5 Sequence(s):
- ITS: 634 bp - BLASTn GenBank (H. Solstad and R. Elven 04/1573 UPS) - GenBank record
- psbE-petG region: 1436 bp - BLASTn GenBank (H. Solstad and R. Elven 04/1573 UPS)
- RPA2: 665 bp - BLASTn GenBank (H. Solstad and R. Elven 04/1573 UPS) - GenBank record
- RPB2_22_25: [in progress] (H. Solstad and R. Elven 04/1573 UPS)
- rps16: 686 bp - BLASTn GenBank (H. Solstad and R. Elven 04/1573 UPS) - GenBank record
6 specimen(s):
- H. Solstad and R. Elven 04/1573 UPS
- Jäschke, Heinrich August Z
- LE : ambtype of Silene dasyphylla Turcz.
- S.G. Kazanovsky IRK
- Turczaninov LE : lectotype of Silene ambigua Turcz.
- Turczaninov LE : syntype of Silene ambigua Turcz.
TDWG 3 regions: