Silene nepalensis Majumdar
Journ. Ind. Bot. Soc. xlii. 649 (1964).,ID: 205 | IPNI
== Melandrium multicaule Walp., Repert. Bot. Syst. (Walpers) i. 280. 1842, Basionym: Lychnis multicaulis Wall., Numer. List [Wallich] n. 622. 1829, Type: Nepal, Wallich 622 K , iso
=Melandrium brachypetalum var. tibetanum Rohrb., , Basionym: Silene gonosperma var. pertica Bocquet, , Type: Nepal, Dhwoj, Lall (Capt.) 194 EE00015047 , holo
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Reference: Zhou L., Wu Z.-Y., Lidén, M. & Oxelman, B. (2001). Silene (110 spp.). In Wu Zhengyi & P. H. Raven (eds). Flora of China. 6: 66-100Silene nepalensis Majumdar, J. Indian Bot. Soc. 42: 649. 1964. ƒ·≤¥∂˚”¨◊”≤› ni po er ying zi cao Lychnis multicaule Wallich ex Bentham; Melandrium brachypetalum (Hornemann) Fenzl var. tibetanum Rohrbach; M. multicaule (Wallich ex Bentham) Walpers. Herbs perennial, 10–50 cm tall. Roots robust, multi-crowned. Stems caespitose, erect, simple, densely pubescent. Basal leaves linear-lanceolate, 3–14 cm × 3–7 mm, midvein prominent, glabrous or subglabrous, base attenuate into petiole, ± connate, apex acuminate; distal leaves sessile, homomorphic with basal leaves, ± connate at base, both surfaces and margin pubescent. Inflorescence an irregular elongate thyrsoid with (short-and) long stalked densely 3–7-flowered cymules; flowers nutant, erect in late anthesis. Pedicel 5–10 mm in fruit, densely pubescent; bracts linear, pubescent. Calyx cylindric-campanulate in early anthesis, 7–9 × 3–4 mm, soon becoming broader as capsule swells, densely pubescent, round at base, open at apex; longitudinal veins dark violet or deep greenish brown, not raised, usually cohering at calyx teeth. Androgynophore to 1 mm, pubescent. Petals exserted 2–3 mm beyond calyx, violet; claws broadly cuneate, 6–8 mm, subglabrous at base, very broadly auriculate; limb 1.5–2 mm long and slightly broader, emarginate or bifid, lobes entire or usually with obscure lateral teeth; coronal scales small, nearly round, obtuse or emarginate at apex. Stamens included; filaments subglabrous. Styles included. Capsule ovoid-ellipsoid, 8–10 mm. Seeds grayish brown, reniform, ca. 0.8 mm, tuberculate. Fl. Jul–Aug, fr. Aug. Mountain grasslands; 2700–5100 m. Qinghai, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, ?Kashmir, Nepal, ?Pakistan, Sikkim].
Superordinate taxon: Silene unranked Asiae mediae (ID: 812)