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Specimens of Viscaria alpina (L.) G. Don

Viscaria alpina (L.) G. Don (Hartmann, Hans 504 Z)

holotype of

Collection date:

Collection country: Pakistan
Collection province: Exempellän
Collection subprovince: Exempel församling
Collection locality: Karakorum, Baltistan. ”Moränenfeld südlich gletcherstirn des Biafo-gletcher”. (Field of moraine south of the end of the Biafo Glacier).
Collection altitude: 3080
Previous determinations:
Notes: ”Bodenunterlage: moränenschnitt.” (Soil substrate: section of moraine).
Notes from original label:
Sequences: No Sequences registered

Viscaria alpina (L.) G. Don ( LINN)

lectotype of

Collection date:

Collection country:
Collection province:
Collection subprovince:
Collection locality:
Collection altitude:
Previous determinations:
Notes from original label: Habitat in Alpibus Laponicis, Helveticis, Sibiricis, Pyrenaicis.
Sequences: No Sequences registered

Viscaria alpina (L.) G. Don (V. A. Yurtzev MAG)

Image URL: link

Collection date:

Collection country: Russia
Collection province: Magadanskaya oblast
Collection subprovince:
Collection locality:
Collection altitude:
Previous determinations:
Notes from original label:
Sequences: No Sequences registered

Viscaria alpina (L.) G. Don (no collector details)

lectotype of Lychnis suecica Lodd.

Image URL: link

Collection date:

Collection country:
Collection province:
Collection subprovince:
Collection locality:
Collection altitude:
Previous determinations:
Notes from original label:
Sequences: No Sequences registered

Viscaria alpina (L.) G. Don ( GH)

holotype of Lychnis alpina subsp. americana (Fernald) J.Feilberg

Collection date:

Collection country: Canada
Collection province:
Collection subprovince:
Collection locality: SE Canada, Blomidon Mountains, Bay of Islands, Newfoundland
Collection altitude:
Previous determinations:
Notes from original label:
Sequences: No Sequences registered

echo '

Collection date: ' . $specimenRecord->getfield('Calcdate') . '

'; echo 'Collection country: ' . $specimenRecord->getfield('Country') . '
'; echo 'Collection province: ' . $specimenRecord->getfield('Province') . '
'; echo 'Collection subprovince: ' . $specimenRecord->getfield('Subprovince') . '
'; echo 'Collection locality: ' . $specimenRecord->getfield('Locality') . '
'; echo 'Collection altitude: ' . $specimenRecord->getfield('Altitude') . ' ' . $specimenRecord->getfield('AltitudeEntity') . '
'; if ($specimenRecord->getfield('GrownInGarden') != NULL) echo 'Grown in garden: ' . $specimenRecord->getfield('GrownInGarden') . '
'; echo 'Previous determinations: ' . $specimenRecord->getfield('OldNames') . '
'; echo 'Notes: ' . $specimenRecord->getfield('Notes') . '
'; echo 'Notes from original label: ' . $specimenRecord->getfield('OriginalLabelNotes') . '
'; // echo ''; //show sequences, from related records in portal $relatedSequences = $specimenRecord->getRelatedSet('Sequences'); if (FileMaker::isError($relatedSequences)) { echo 'Sequences: No Sequences registered'; } else { echo '' . count($relatedSequences) . ' Sequence(s):'; echo ''; } } echo '